Play. Learn. Repeat!
Learn foreign languages by playing video games. Review hundreds of words effortlessly in short, intense, and fun game sessions!
The kotiwo method
Real games
Different to help you remember
Real games
Real games
No more generic language learning. Play real games with real objectives.
Lightning round vocabulary reviews
Lightning round vocabulary reviews
Review hundreds of words effortlessly in short, intense, and fun practice sessions!
Designed for learning
Designed for learning
Every game is optimised to help you effortlessly review your vocabulary. Use "Just one more turn" to your advantage!
You’re unique
You’re unique
Are you preparing for an exam, or learning something specific? Add your own learning materials!
Different to help you remember
Different to help you remember
The kotiwo method expands on best practices. It feels weird at first, but then you will notice that it works: you can easily recall and use what you’ve learned. Check how the kotiwo method works.
Daily crossword
Solve a new crossword puzzle every day!
ä あ ホ א ב ö ü ß ñ ë î
Learn foreign writing scripts using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Learn Christian vocabulary and prayers in the language of your choice
The kotiwo method
Focus on vocabulary. There’s nothing you can say if you don’t know any words! Learn vocabulary as fast as possible to start speaking as soon as possible.
Break patterns
According to neuroscience, we remember things when we break patterns. kotiwo uses this method to help you learn. It might give you the same word several times in a row, before breaking the pattern and asking for a quick back translation. This will make the neurons in your brain fire and help you to remember.
For the real world
Have you ever been in a conversation and forgotten words you thought you learned? The real world is not a language school. kotiwo pushes you out of your comfort zone to prepare you for the real world.
Easily review all learned vocabulary in short, less-than-a-minute sessions. kotiwo games are designed specifically for language learning. Never forget what you’ve already learned!
Unlimited word lists
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