French Grammar Overview
Master French grammar through our straightforward approach. Our guide breaks down complex French language structures into digestible pieces, focusing on essential elements. Each grammar concept is presented with a translation, helping you understand how French sentences work in practice. Use this overview alongside your French course or as a quick reference for daily practice.


Essential Grammar Points

Personal Pronouns

NumberSubjectDirect ObjectIndirect ObjectReflexive
Singularje, tu, il/elle/onme, te, le/lame, te, luime, te, se
Pluralnous, vous, ils/ellesnous, vous, lesnous, vous, leurnous, vous, se

Usage Notes:

  • “On” commonly replaces “nous” in informal speech
  • “Vous” serves as both plural and formal singular
  • Object pronouns usually come before the verb: “Je le vois”


TypeMasculineFemininePluralBefore Vowel
Partitivedude ladesde l'

Special Rules:

  • Use partitive articles for uncountable nouns: “du pain,” “de la confiture”
  • Articles contract with “à” and “de”: “au,” “aux,” “du,” “des”

Gender and Number

Common Patterns:

Feminine forms often add -e:

  • petit → petite
  • grand → grande

Plural usually adds -s:

  • livre → livres
  • table → tables

Notable Exceptions:

  • Masculine words ending in -e: le livre, le monde
  • Words ending in -s, -x, -z don’t change in plural
  • Special plurals: -al → -aux (journal → journaux)

Verb Conjugation

Present Tense Regular Patterns

-ER Verbs (using “parler” - to speak)

1stje parlenous parlons
2ndtu parlesvous parlez
3rdil/elle parleils/elles parlent

-IR Verbs (using “finir” - to finish)

1stje finisnous finissons
2ndtu finisvous finissez
3rdil/elle finitils/elles finissent

-RE Verbs (using “vendre” - to sell)

1stje vendsnous vendons
2ndtu vendsvous vendez
3rdil/elle vendils/elles vendent

Common Irregular Verbs

VerbPresent Tense Conjugation
êtresuis, es, est, sommes, êtes, sont
avoirai, as, a, avons, avez, ont
allervais, vas, va, allons, allez, vont
fairefais, fais, fait, faisons, faites, font
pouvoirpeux, peux, peut, pouvons, pouvez, peuvent
vouloirveux, veux, veut, voulons, voulez, veulent
diredis, dis, dit, disons, dites, disent


Present (Présent)

SimpleCurrent actions, habitsJe mange une pomme
ProgressiveCurrent actionsJe suis en train de manger

Past Tenses

Passé Composéavoir/être + participleCompleted actionsJ’ai mangé
Imparfaitstem + endingsOngoing past, habitsJe mangeais
Plus-que-parfaitavoir/être (imparfait) + participleBefore another past actionJ’avais mangé

Être vs Avoir:

  • Most verbs use avoir
  • Key verbs using être (DR MRS VANDERTRAMP):
    • Devenir, Revenir, Monter, Rester, Sortir
    • Venir, Arriver, Naître, Descendre
    • Entrer, Retourner, Tomber, Rentrer
    • Aller, Mourir, Partir

Future Tenses

Futur Simpleinfinitive + endingsFuture eventsJe mangerai
Futur Prochealler + infinitiveNear futureJe vais manger

Subjunctive Mood

Common Triggers:

  • Il faut que (it is necessary that)
  • Je veux que (I want that)
  • Je souhaite que (I wish that)
  • Bien que (although)
  • Avant que (before)


  • Remove -ent from ils/elles form of present tense
  • Add subjunctive endings: -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, -ent

Essential Concepts


Basic structure: ne + verb + pas

  • Je ne mange pas
  • Je n’ai pas mangé

Other negative expressions:

  • ne… jamais (never)
  • ne… plus (no more)
  • ne… rien (nothing)
  • ne… personne (nobody)

Question Formation

Three methods:

  1. Intonation: Tu vas au cinéma?
  2. Est-ce que: Est-ce que tu vas au cinéma?
  3. Inversion: Vas-tu au cinéma?

Adjective Agreement

TypeMasculineFeminineMasculine PluralFeminine Plural
-eux endingheureuxheureuseheureuxheureuses
-al endingnormalnormalenormauxnormales

Position: Most adjectives come after the noun:

  • une voiture rouge
  • un livre intéressant

Common adjectives that come before:

  • beau/belle (beautiful)
  • petit(e) (small)
  • grand(e) (big)
  • jeune (young)
  • vieux/vieille (old)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Agreement Errors

Le petit filleLa petite filleGender agreement
Les chat noirLes chats noirsPlural agreement

Verb Selection

J’ai alléJe suis alléUse être with movement verbs
Je suis mangéJ’ai mangéUse avoir with most verbs

Preposition Usage

à + le = auto/at theJe vais au cinéma
de + le = duof/from theJe viens du cinéma
enin (feminine countries)Je vis en France
auin (masculine countries)Je vis au Canada

Pronunciation Tips

Silent letters:

  • Final consonants often silent (except c, r, f, l)
  • Silent ‘h’ at beginning of words
  • Final ’e’ usually silent unless needed for pronunciation


  • Required between article and noun: les‿amis
  • Required between number and noun: deux‿enfants
  • Required between subject pronoun and verb: nous‿avons

Sentence and Grammar Structure with Examples

Bonjour. ▶︎
Good morning.

Bonsoir. ▶︎
Good evening.

Que veux-tu? ▶︎
What do you want?

Que veux-tu manger? ▶︎
What do you want to eat?

Que veux-tu boire? ▶︎
What do you want to drink?

Que veux-tu faire? ▶︎
What do you want to do?

Je veux ceci. ▶︎
I want this.

Je veux quelque chose. ▶︎
I want something.

Je veux boire quelque chose. ▶︎
I want to drink something.

Je veux manger quelque chose. ▶︎
I want to eat something.

Je veux faire quelque chose. ▶︎
I want to do something

C'est bien. ▶︎
It is good.

C'est d'accord. ▶︎
It is OK.

C'est mauvais. ▶︎
It is bad.

Tu vas le faire? ▶︎
Will you do it?

Tu vas manger? ▶︎
Will you eat?

Tu vas conduire? ▶︎
Will you drive?

Je vais faire ça. ▶︎
I will do this.

Je vais manger quelque chose. ▶︎
I will eat something.

Je vais conduire. ▶︎
I will drive.

Tu le veux? ▶︎
Do you want it?

Tu veux quelque chose? ▶︎
Do you want something?

Tu veux manger? ▶︎
Do you want to eat?

Tu peux le faire? ▶︎
Can you do it?

Tu peux faire quelque chose? ▶︎
Can you do something?

Quand vas-tu le faire? ▶︎
When will you do it?

Tu veux le voir? ▶︎
Do you want to see it?

Je peux le voir? ▶︎
Can I see it?

Je veux le voir. ▶︎
I want to see it.

Je veux voir ce film. ▶︎
I want to see this movie.

Je peux le voir. ▶︎
I can see it.

Je ne le vois pas. ▶︎
I do not see it.

Je veux l'avoir. ▶︎
I want to have it.

Quand puis-je le voir? ▶︎
When can I see it?

Je veux rester ici. ▶︎
I want to stay here.

Je veux manger ici. ▶︎
I want to eat here.

Nous restons ici. ▶︎
We are staying here.

Combien de temps ça va prendre? ▶︎
How long will it take?

Je comprends. ▶︎
I understand.

Je ne comprends pas. ▶︎
I do not understand.

Je ne te comprends pas. ▶︎
I do not understand you.

Tu comprends? ▶︎
Do you understand?

Tu me comprends? ▶︎
Do you understand me?

Tu peux me comprendre? ▶︎
Can you understand me?

Je ne peux pas te comprendre. ▶︎
I cannot understand you.

Je suis désolé. ▶︎
I am sorry.

Je suis désolé, je ne le veux pas. ▶︎
I am sorry, I do not want it.

Je ne peux pas le trouver. ▶︎
I cannot find it.

Où puis-je le trouver? ▶︎
Where do I find it?

Je ne sais pas où il est. ▶︎
I do not know where it is.

Je veux le trouver. ▶︎
I want to find it.

Tu sais où il est? ▶︎
Do you know where it is?

Je l'ai. ▶︎
I have it.

J'ai de la nourriture. ▶︎
I have food.

J'ai de l'eau. ▶︎
I have water.

J'ai une voiture. ▶︎
I have a car.

Tu l'as? ▶︎
Do you have it?

Tu veux l'avoir? ▶︎
Do you want to have it?

Pourquoi tu ne l'as pas? ▶︎
Why do you not have it?

Je te le donnerai. ▶︎
I will give it to you.

Peux-tu me le donner? ▶︎
Can you give it to me?

Quand puis-je l'avoir? ▶︎
When can I have it?

J'en ai besoin. ▶︎
I need it.

J'ai besoin de repos. ▶︎
I need rest.

J'ai besoin d'eau. ▶︎
I need water.

Je n'en ai pas besoin. ▶︎
I do not need it.

J'en ai besoin maintenant. ▶︎
I need it now.

En as-tu besoin? ▶︎
Do you need it?

Quand en as-tu besoin? ▶︎
When do you need it?

Je peux l'apporter. ▶︎
I can bring it.

Dois-je l'apporter? ▶︎
Should I bring it?

Dois-je apporter à manger? ▶︎
Should I bring food?

Peux-tu l'apporter? ▶︎
Can you bring it?

Peux-tu apporter de l'eau? ▶︎
Can you bring water?

À quelle heure dois-je l'apporter? ▶︎
At what time should I bring it?

À quelle heure dois-je venir? ▶︎
At what time should I come?

À quelle heure en as-tu besoin? ▶︎
At what time do you need it?

À quelle heure arriveras-tu? ▶︎
At what time will you arrive?

Combien de temps vas-tu rester? ▶︎
How long will you stay?

Nous resterons deux heures. ▶︎
We will stay for two hours.

Pourrais-tu le faire, s'il te plaît? ▶︎
Could you please do it?

Pourrais-tu le faire pour moi, s'il te plaît? ▶︎
Could you please do it for me?

Je veux te dire quelque chose. ▶︎
I want to tell you something.

Quand me le diras-tu? ▶︎
When will you tell me?

Je veux que tu me le dises. ▶︎
I want you to tell me.

Je veux y aller. ▶︎
I want to go there.

Où veux-tu aller? ▶︎
Where do you want to go?

Je ne peux pas y aller. ▶︎
I cannot go there.

Je n'ai pas le temps. ▶︎
I have no time.

Je suis occupé. ▶︎
I am busy.

J'étais occupé. ▶︎
I was busy.

J'attends. ▶︎
I am waiting.

Pourrais-tu attendre, s'il te plaît? ▶︎
Could you wait, please?

Je voudrais acheter ceci. ▶︎
I would like to buy this.

Je voudrais acheter une voiture. ▶︎
I would like to buy a car.

Je voudrais le voir. ▶︎
I would like to see it.

Je voudrais le faire. ▶︎
I would like to do it.

Je l'aime. ▶︎
I like it.

Je ne l'aime pas. ▶︎
I don't like it.

J'aime cette nourriture. ▶︎
I like this food.

J'aime cette voiture. ▶︎
I like this car.

C'est cher. ▶︎
This is expensive.

C'est bon marché. ▶︎
This is cheap.

Elle est belle. ▶︎
She is beautiful.

Cette voiture est belle. ▶︎
This car is beautiful.

Je suis prêt. ▶︎
I am ready.

Es-tu prêt? ▶︎
Are you ready?

Tout sera prêt bientôt. ▶︎
Everything will be ready soon.

C'est possible. ▶︎
It is possible.

C'est impossible. ▶︎
It is impossible.

J'ai une question. ▶︎
I have a question.

Je voudrais te poser une question. ▶︎
I would like to ask you a question.

C'est ici. ▶︎
It is here.

Ce n'est pas ici. ▶︎
It is not here.

Je ne l'ai pas. ▶︎
I do not have it.

Je me sens bien. ▶︎
I feel good.

Comment te sens-tu? ▶︎
How do you feel?

Je dois me dépêcher. ▶︎
I need to hurry.

Peux-tu te dépêcher? ▶︎
Can you hurry?

C'est important. ▶︎
It’s important.

C'est cassé. ▶︎
It’s broken.

Cette voiture est en panne. ▶︎
This car is broken.